It is a higher education institution and scientific research, founded in 2015, , specialized in preparing students optimally, developing their skills, and qualifying them highly in the professional and educational fields needed by society and the labor market, The degree of specialized leave (Bachelor of Arts and Education) is awarded in the literary and humanities departments, or (Bachelor of Science and Education) in the scientific departments, to teach in the general education (basic and intermediate) stages, and to work in various professional, service and administrative sectors, and also specializes in all matters related to the society services.
<p> The faculty Provides high quality education and academic excellence, to promote the educational process, and contribute to the advancement of society with scientifically and educationally qualified cadres. Its outcomes represented by graduates which are compatible with the requirements of the local and regional community, and the needs of the labor market.</p>
This Faculty focuses on Preparing and training research teachers and practitioners of the teaching profession, and able to meet educational and professional challenges and to develop their practical experiences. It contributes to support the society with various skills, research contributions, and the provision of specialized technical advisory services through its respective departments.
The faculty is keen to achieve the scientific, educational and cultural objectives to contribute to the development of society :
Preparing teachers for basic and intermediate educational levels scientifically, socially, educationally and culturally.
Adopting curricula to develop and improve the syllabus of courses according to the quality criteria .
. Confirming quality in higher education, in accordance with quality and academic standards, to ensure that the academic procedures and outputs in the faculty are kept up to date.
. Associating with other faculties to support educational programs, and to solve educational issues.