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مجلة كليات التربية


بالعلم ..تبني الاوطان

On Semi Simply Continuous Functions-حول شبه الدوال المستمره البسيطة

(د.رقية محمود محمد راشد - كلية التربية الزاوية -جامعة الزاوية)

Topology branch of mathematics studies the properties that do not change only increasingly in steps with correct numbers, rather than changing continuously. Topology has a very significant role in the recovery of other sciences such as physics, where three scientists received the Nobel Prize for their research in the physics of condensed materials, for their work on transient topological. Their work has revealed new horizons concerning with the behavior of the materials called topological insulators, which may make it possible to manufacture computers with more complex and sophisticated quantity. These scientists' researches have shown great importance in the development and understanding of topological insulators. The research of these scientists has proved to be of great importance in the development and understanding of topological insulators, new materials that prevent the flow of electrons in their internal parts while allowing the transmission of electricity across their surfaces. This unique property can make topological insulators very useful in arriving at new types of elementary particles and in the composition of the circuitry within the quantum computers. In this paper we defined simply semi-open, simply semi continuous function, and semi-simply continuous function. We also introduced the concepts of semi-compact sets and semifilter. Furthermore, some properties of these functions are investigated.